Thursday, November 30, 2006

Paintings by Emily Carr

I absolutely adore Emily Carr.

She was born here in Victoria. And I treasure the fact that there is the Emily Carr House --where she lived in the 1870's-- just down the road from my home. It is is open to the public for viewing, and is super interesting.. a must see attraction for any art-loving visitor to the region.

Emily Carr was heavily inspired by the landscape and First Nations cultures of British Columbia. I love her bold use of colour, and how she was awed by the majesty and dynamism of nature. She is truly a gem of a talent, and will always be remembered as one of Canada's greatest artists...

(top) Shacks and Trees in a Wood (1930) by Emily Carr
(bottom) The Red Cedar (1933)

Logger's Culls (1935)

A Skidegate Beaver Pole (1942)

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